Thursday, June 20, 2013

Transitions - Part One: What has Happened

May 31, 2013 was my last day of work at the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University. For a variety of reasons, most of them good and valid, the School has decided that they would not renew my contract as Ecumenical Liturgical Coordinator.  They have lots of work to do, we have done good work, much has been accomplished, and it is time for me to move on.  I am grateful for the six years that I spent at this place, learning to articulate fully both my Diaconal call, and my call as a liturgical theologian. I anticipate that God has much in store for me in the future. This has been a good place for me, a safe place, but it is time, and as it always happens, transition is not easy, it is scary; moving into the unknown can cause great concern.

On June 4, the School celebrated the leaving of four members of their community, two faculty, and two staff, one of whom was me.  It was wonderful sending.  I attended the event with mixed feelings, not really sure how it would play out, but it was very good, and I recognized that I was being lifted up and blessed on my way together with three other amazingly strong, faithful women, Dr. Mary Rose Bumpus, Dr. Marianne LaBarre, and Sue Hogan. 

My daughter videotaped my portion of the event, and you can view it here: Jan's "Closing Remarks"

If you don't like to visit YouTube (and that link also includes the generous and kind remarks of Dr. Mark Taylor, Director of the Office of worship at STM, and my friend and colleague, I insert the text of my remarks.

Sung: “Through our lives and by our prayers, your kingdom come.”

One thousand, one hundred and eleven Morning Prayers, One hundred and fifteen afternoon liturgies, sixty Mid-day Prayers, thirty Noon Eucharists, seventy prayers at seven Summer Institutes of Liturgy and Worship, ten City/Countywide Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Prayers; a total of one thousand, three hundred and ninety six liturgies….approximately… in ten years, four as graduate assistant for liturgy and six as your Ecumenical Liturgical Coordinator. 

I know, in the very core of my being, the truth of this Iona prayer, which speaks eloquently of my call to both liturgy and to diakonia. 

I know, in the very core of my being, that prayer forms us, and that corporate prayer, prayer together, in assembly, forms us in ways that are different from the ways that individual prayer forms us.

I know, in the very core of my being, that the ecumenical prayer that we experience here, in this unique School of Theology and Ministry, forms us in a way that cannot be done in any other way, into the one Body of Christ. 

I know, in the very core of my being, that the Church is the Body of Christ, a creature of the Gospel, and not only is it not ours to dis-member, but that corporate prayer is one of the primary ways in which we re-member it.

I know this, in the very core of my being, because I have been gifted with the opportunity to pray together, corporately, with members of this community, one thousand, three hundred and ninety six times…approximately… over the past ten years, and I thank you for that opportunity.

As I leave, and as you continue as a school to hold conversation about the place of corporate prayer in this school, this is my prayer for you:

Sung: “May you cling to Wisdom, for she will protect you. And if you cherish her, she will keep you safe.”

Finally, I remind you and myself, that while I have been the steward this corporate prayer for six years for you, continues to be held in the good hands of Mark and John; and I know, in the very core of my being, that the only true response to this type of event, to the work that we do together, is to give God the glory:

Sung: “Gloria, Gloria, in excelsis Deo! Gloria, glory, Alleluia, alleluia!”

Amen and Amen. 





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